mercredi 31 octobre 2007

My name is Kit...Kitty...

Hey guys, now I feel safe with my new friend the buddyguard, he has the technique to avoid the bullets and he know how to shoot people with is gun =P

Yeah, I know it's a Kitteh again, but I know you love it XD
This one has a new feature, you see animated bullets ! Also the buddy comes with 3 differents positions : running (which has the bullet animation), and two seating, one aiming with his gun and one ready to aim ;3

I have only shooted 2 positions on my ad, but is shows you the most important =D

Thank you for reading !

Howie ^___^

dimanche 21 octobre 2007

Halloween 2 "The return of the..."

Look at it @_@ he can fly ! he have some magic spell and he will help you on your candies quest !

So so, there is 2 versions... one static, hovering on the top of your shoulder and... the second one, is a bit annoying because he knows that you are too strong to get trapped by the charms... so he flys around you to make you feel dizzy =O

vendredi 12 octobre 2007

Fashion Show !

Yup not only me, but my partner in crime Cyia from Blood Lust Designs and the very talented F.A.T owner and his items will be showing at the Nex-Core fashion show tomorrow at 3pm SLT !

See you there ;3

samedi 6 octobre 2007

Girls girls girls...

I'm proud to announce the Lotus Collection ! It's 100% for girl and it's made by a girl ! yep, made by Lili Yang under some advices of... me =P
Let's have a look at some samples ;3

jeudi 4 octobre 2007

Halloween 2nd part

Hehe this is the second item I've made especially for Halloween !

lundi 1 octobre 2007

Halloween is on the road

Yay Halloween is coming !
So my little kitties friend and me though that would be great to have a pumpkin and a tree ! Yeah, Xmas have tree, why not Halloween ? XD

Please have a look at it in my mainstore !